Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year Resolution Double Linky Party!

This is a double linky party! I'm linking up with Ms. Madden over at Teaching Maddeness AND Jen over at The Teachers' Cauldron! All about the New Year Resolutions!
Teaching Maddeness
Personal: I know this is stereotypical, but I want to get in better shape! I just joined a women's only gym that is five minutes from my home. My membership not only includes 24/7 access but as many classes as I want. I've never taken a class at a gym before, so I'm shooting to try to take at least one class a week! Wish me luck! I get a lot of inspiration from Mama Laughlin, reading her blog and seeing her weigh loss journey has made me realize it is doable (but this girl is crazy and likes to run for exercise!). 

School: I know I've mentioned it many times before, but last semester was capital "C" crazy! This coming semester my course load is going to be cake compared to last! My school resolution/goal is to get a 4.0 GPA. Since I'm a junior, I'm now getting into the nitty-gritty of my major, and I LOVE it! I'm so excited for the classes that are to come!

Blogging: I'm going to attempt to blog at least once a week! When I first started this blog, I thought that would be no problem at all. Ha! Between working at the Montessori school and being a full-time student I had little time for anything else. Because my course load is lighter, I have a little more confidence that I can blog at least once a week!

Monday, December 24, 2012

One Semester Down...How Many More To Go?

I survived my first semester at Washington State University, and with decent grades to boot! I'm definitely regretting taking so many courses my first semester back to school in a while.

I have to give a shout-out to the wonderful Mr. Smith.  
(That smile gets me every time*swoon*)
I could have not made it through this first semester without him. The late nights of proofreading my papers, the weekends of me missing while taking residence in the local Starbucks or library. He's my rock!

But honestly, I L-O-V-E being in school and learning. If I had the funds and time, I would take a variety of classes just for the heck of it. I have actually taken so many history courses that I am three classes away from a minor in history!

What was your favorite course in college? Was it outside of your major?

Sunday, December 9, 2012

12 for 12

12. Favorite movie you watched:
Captain America! I know it came out in 2011, but I just recently watched it! Love me some Chris Evans!

 11. Favorite TV series:

The Walking Dead

10. Favorite restaurant:
Always has been, always will be Chapala Express. It’s a local mom and pop Mexican restaurant! The BEST food and salsa in the Tri-Cities! YUM!

9. Favorite new thing you tried:
Organic milk! It's delicious!

8. Favorite gift you got:
My 13-inch MacBook Air! L-O-V-E it!

7. Favorite thing you pinned:

6. Favorite blog post:
The first one! =)

5. Best accomplishment:
Graduating with my AA degree and getting into Washington State University. Go Cougs!

4. Favorite picture:

3. Favorite memory:
For a half of the year, Mr. Smith and I were living apart due to his job getting relocated. But the weekend before Valentine’s day, he took me to Hotel Lusso and spoiled me the whole weekend!

2. Goal for 2013:
Work hard a school, get good grades, and become a step closer to my teaching degree!

1.    One Little Word:

Sunday, December 2, 2012


It's that time of the month again, Farley's Currently Linky! I love these every month I find new blogs and friends to follow. 

Listening: Mr. Smith and I were busy all weekend. Unpacking the garage in search of Christmas ornaments. We had to the tree up, but by-golly you can't have a Christmas tree without ornaments! We found the ornaments. Needless to say, we also found a lot of other stuff which led to more cleaning and more organizing! The point to this whole thing, is that we're just NOW getting to the laundry!

Loving: The plus side to having your mom and her boyfriend over for dinner is the need to frantically clean the house. But now's it's SO clean! And they did the dishes!

Thinking: Finals week is quickly approaching, and this girl KNOWS she bit off more than she could chew. 5 semester classes while practically working full-time is TOO much!

Wanting: I just want an iPad, plain and simple.

Needing: The above, too much school work and work work, and not enough sleep!

R.A.K.: I don't think these people get the recognition that they deserve. 

How's your December started off?

Getting in the holiday spirt?!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful . . .

I’m going to be cliché for a moment in honor of the holiday tomorrow, only my most favorite holiday of the entire year! I cannot think of better day than one where you get to eat a wonderful meal with the people who mean the most to you!

I'm thankful for:

   My wonderful husband, Mr. Smith completes me =)

   My amazing mom! She's truly my best friend. Even as an adult, she'd so ANYTHING for me!

   My brother! Even though we may still fight like we are 7 and 5, in the end, we love each other and we have each other's backs!

   The awesome St. Mary’s Family that I grew to knew and sadly left. They helped me grow so much as an adult and as an educator. I will be forever grateful!

   For Robert, making my mom so happy!

   Friends and family, near and far, and not with us anymore, you’re sincerely in my heart every single day. I wish I could see you more.

   And my dad. I miss you, and I love you. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Current October...but Almost November!

Listening: It has been extremely windy here in the Pacific Northwest the last few weeks! Our tree DID have colorful leaves until the gale force winds blew them off! 

Loving: Fall is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE season of all time! So when it was October and still 80 degrees, I was not a happy camper!

Thinking: There were only a few classes I HAD to take this semester. I took an extra one "for fun". What on earth was I thinking?! It's my first semester as Washington State University and my first semester back in school in over a year! I just need to make it to December! 

Wanting: Hubby and I just moved into a new house 2 weeks ago...midterm week! So needless to say, my midterms came before unpacking! I'm hoping to get unpack...before Christmas (we'll see!)

Needing: See the many, many, many things above that cause me to need more hours in the day!

Book: School book! I'm taking a history class on immigration to the United States. Very interesting and informational!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Currently in September

I just love Farley's "Currently" over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade! I look forward to it every month! I find new blogs to follow and I get new followers!


I took an unplanned hiatus from the blogosphere the last couple weeks. With good reasoning though!

August 20th, I start back to school as a full-time student at Washington State University (GO COUGS) to finish my bachelor's degree. The day after school started, I was offered a position at a montessori school. So needless to say between trying to be a full-time student again, and starting a new full-time job, I've been rather busy!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

August (already) Currently!

I cannot believe it's August already! It feels like just yesterday we were packing up the classroom! Being that it is August now, it means a new "Currently" by Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade!

I love this link party! Last month I found some awesome new blogs to read and some awesome followers =) Can't wait to see what I stumble upon this time!

See, the pup's new haircut is so cute!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tell me more, tell me more!

I love link parties! It's a great way to find new blogs and new bloggy friends =)

Hop on over to Step into Second Grade, and link up!

1.) I HATE flying! So much so, on a recent trip to New Orleans, the lady sitting next to me thought it was my first wasn't!

2.) I tried sweet tea, Chick-Fil-A, shrimp po-boy, and a hurricane while in New Orleans! Loved the first 3! The hurricane, not so much.

3.) I have never been to the east coast, until this past Sunday. I fell in love with Pensacola Beach, Florida!

4.) I never sleep on the side of the bed that is closest to the door, EVER!

5.) Besides dogs, elephants are my favorite animals.

6.) I have a phobia of fish. Fish in tanks, fish in the river, fish in the ocean. Hyperventilation inducing phobia. 

7.) Although I may not look it, I am half Mexican. My momma was born and raised in Mexico. She doesn't look it either!

8.) School supply shopping is my favorite time of year. I'm starting school again in August to finish my teaching degree, and I was a little too excited to get a new backpack!

9.) I'm a closet geek! I grew up playing Mario!

10.) I love country music! Especially a little Tim McGraw!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Coming soon!

Mr. Smith and I are vacationing in New Orleans!

Lots of pictures and stories to come!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Classroom Theme Linky

Corinna over at Surfin' Through Second is having a Linky about classroom themes. Granted, I'm not done with my education degree YET, but that doesn't mean I can't participate. =)

If I were to start getting my room together next month, I would go with the theme of owls! 

Look at these super cute name tags from Teacher's World in Kennewick, WA!

And matching incentive charts! (Also from Teacher's World!)

And my Back-to-School bulletin board would be "Look Whooo is in ______ grade!" With all the students name's on an owl 

I love how colorful all the owls are, and that there is a variety of patterns on all of them!

What's your classroom theme for the 2012-2013 school year?