Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful . . .

I’m going to be cliché for a moment in honor of the holiday tomorrow, only my most favorite holiday of the entire year! I cannot think of better day than one where you get to eat a wonderful meal with the people who mean the most to you!

I'm thankful for:

   My wonderful husband, Mr. Smith completes me =)

   My amazing mom! She's truly my best friend. Even as an adult, she'd so ANYTHING for me!

   My brother! Even though we may still fight like we are 7 and 5, in the end, we love each other and we have each other's backs!

   The awesome St. Mary’s Family that I grew to knew and sadly left. They helped me grow so much as an adult and as an educator. I will be forever grateful!

   For Robert, making my mom so happy!

   Friends and family, near and far, and not with us anymore, you’re sincerely in my heart every single day. I wish I could see you more.

   And my dad. I miss you, and I love you.